Edavaka Mission
Edavaka Mission
The spiritual renewal in the Church created a yearning to present the gospel to others. Every member of the Church should be a missionary filled with such joy and assurance of salvation as to be Christ’s witness to those who come into contact with them, irrespective of one’s work or profession in their secular life. A group of people came to realize this, met together for prayer and fellowship in 1925. They decided to get organized as Voluntary Evangelists to bear witness for Jesus Christ along with their secular duties. This organization is called as Voluntary Evangelists Association. The branch of the Voluntary Evangelists Association in the parish is called as Edavaka (Parish) Mission.
The functions of the Parish Mission are based on the seven activities of the Marthoma Voluntary Evangelists Association such as, Intercessory Prayer, Bible Study, Witnessing and Sharing, House Visits, Charity Projects, Prayer meetings and Gospel work among non-Christians. While every member of the church is its member, it has registered active members as well. Cottage prayer meetings are conducted regularly from 5pm-6pm on the first, second and third Saturdays of every month. The object of this organization is to equip every member of the parish to be a witness for Jesus Christ.